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HomeLeading an RMCC Ride

Leading an RMCC Ride

Interested in leading an RMCC ride? Simply contact Mark Michel and he can give you the rights you need to create your own ride within our Meetup Group. We will also provide you with some additional helpful materials.


Key Requirements:


1) You must be a dues-paying member to lead a ride.


2) Please be courteous toward other ride leaders when it comes to scheduling conflicting rides. For example, if someone is leading a climbing ride out of Boulder on a Saturday, don't compete with their ride by scheduling your own on a Sunday. Conversely, if one person has scheduled a 100 mile ride out east and you want to do a 35 mile Deer Creek ride the same day, that's not really conflicting (i.e. we can have multiple rides on the same day).  Also, please do not schedule rides that conflict with our Challenge Series rides as those are opportunities to bring a large segment of the club together.


3) Please arrange for your rides to meet at parks, park-n-rides or other public lots. Please do not utilize private parking lots as a meeting point unless we have obtained specific permission to use them.


Within those guidelines, please feel free to start rides when and where you wish!


Helpful Suggestions when creating your event:


--We always post a meet time of 15 minutes before we expect wheels to be turning. So, a meet time of 7:45 means wheels turning at 8:00.


--In most cases, please include a link to a map of the ride from Ride With GPS, Strava, etc. (Let Mark M. know if you need help with this!)


--Provide some guidance as to the expected ride pace. Examples: "This is a no-drop ride--faster riders should not use this for training." Or, "While this is not a no-drop ride, we will be regrouping on a regular basis." Or, "Some of us will be looking to haul the mail on this ride. Slower riders may miss the fast group at the regroup points." Any of these approaches or some combination is fine--just let people know what to expect when they come out!


--We advertise our club as being for riders of "intermediate to advanced levels and interests." For non-special event rides, this can cover any length between ~30 and ~100 miles. So please feel free to create a wide variety of rides!


On the day of the ride:


--Please arrive at the ride start before the start time.


--Have people sign the release form - one of your most important duties. This is required by our insurance carrier.  Download link.   


--Introduce yourself. Look for people who have that "I'm new" look and make a special point to welcome them to the ride.


--Shortly before the ride rolls out, take a few minutes to go over a few things with the group:


-The route, emphasizing where the regroup points are.

-That everyone is required to sign in and wear a helmet to ride with RMCC.

-What the ride pace will be like.

-To follow the rules of the road--i.e. stop at stop signs and red lights and no more than 2 abreast.


After the ride


--Please scan and e-mail the sign in sheet back to us at


--If there was an accident on the ride, please contact Mark so we can fill out an accident report form. Our club's insurance policy can provide secondary medical coverage in the event that a member is injured on a ride, which is why this is important.