We are 100% dependent on volunteer support! Spending the day out on course providing support to your fellow RMCCers can be a very rewarding expereince.
For 2023, we are continuing to ask for volunteer help. Volunteering for this event can involve the full day (16-20 hours) if you would like to drive the support vehicle. Or it may involve part of the day if you are willing to run a single aid station. Volunteering can be quite a bit of fun! It is a great way to be a part of the series even if you don't feel up to doing the ride itself. For 2023, we will continue to provide the following incentives to volunteer:
- If a rider volunteers for an event, he/she can participate in a future fee-requred event at no cost.
- Riders who volunteer for an event may pre-ride or post-ride the course to receive official recognition for finishing. This is the only situation that we will allow participants to pre- or post-ride and receive credit for completing the event.
- Volunteers who provide SAG/driving support for the event will be reimbursed for their mileage accrued during the event (at the current Federal rate). We will also reimburse for volunteer motels and food/snack purchases (for their personal use) accrued during the event.
- If we are unable to secure volunteers for an event, the event will still go forward without support.
To volunteer, please contact Mark Michel. If you are interested, please let us know soon so we can communicate to the riders what type of support to expect!